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Install SSS on Windows

Checking Dependencies

To install the SSS on your Windows device, you will need some certain dependencies. You can get them from your package manager by doing the following

You will need to install Python 3 on your computer if you don't have it installed already.

You will also need a git on your machine and some way to interface with it. We recommend Git Bash.

Once that is succesfully set up, you will need to make sure that pip is installed on your machine as well. Enter the following in your cmd:

curl -o

With pip installed we can now install virtualenv:

python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv

Setting up SSS

Once you have all the dependencies for your system installed, you can now move onto downloading and setting up the SSS on your system.

First we'll get the code from GitHub by cloning the repository. Open up your Git Bash program and make sure that you are in your desired folder for downloading. Then clone the repo:

git clone

Now with cmd, go to the folder where you cloned the repo.

cd <path\ to\ repo>\sss     :: Change to SSS project directory

Then we will make sure that we create a virtual environment for all the python dependencies

python -m venv venv         :: Create a python virtual environment called venv
.\venv\Scripts\activate     :: Activate the venv environment

You should notice the prompt of your terminal change to indicate that you are now in your newly created python virtual environment. All of the following steps assume you are within this environment. If you are not, you will install all SSS dependencies system-wide which may conflict with some previous configurations.

Then you will need to install all the python requirements for the SSS:

pip install -r requirements.txt

And that's it! Once this has successfully completed, you are ready to run the simulator and start developing for the SSS! For more information, go to Get Started.

Running on Windows

It its current state, the SSS cannot autoload all of the demos in kiosk, testing, and simulator mode. This may be fixed in a future release.

Last update: August 25, 2023
Created: May 16, 2022